Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I decide

"I'm feeling so sleepy but I have to go to class now"

Taking a cue from Stephen Covey- "Why do you have to go to class? Is it a have or want?

"WANT? Why would I ever want to go to this dreary lecture? It's have. I just have to go!"


"ATTENDANCE! I need attendance!"

"Why do you need attendance?"

"To complete this course. I have to complete this course to get my degree. I need my degree"

"You need your degree?"

"Uh... yeah. I need to pass out of IIT with a clean academic record."


"Um... okay. I want to pass out of IIT with a clean academic record."

"Hm... let's go back. You want a clean academic record. You want to complete this course. You want attendance. So, You want to go to the class. There you have it!"

... I got off the bed for the 8 AM lecture. 

This internal tape is very common. It is so common that overtime, the 'want-to-do' shifts to 'have-to-do'. There are no masters and there are no puppets. After everything that is said and done, the fact remains that it is my choice.

I decide.


Leela said...

Nice way to wake up for an 8 am lecture.
Far better than - "Dammit! I'm late."

Abhishek said...

oreven better than... "zzzz... oh so this isn't the class.. SHIT!"

Leela said...

Ja, ich wante ein gut seat in klasse. Du habe problem with das?

Leela said...

Its what I like to call Germglish. :|
Too bad you don't appreciate it.

FYI: habe, hast, hat, haben; all exist and German grammar rocks.
PS: I shouldve used hast in my line. Typing mistake.

Ich lerne German; du übersetzet german.

Does smiling count??

Abhishek said...

uber pseud!
too much... i cant handle it!
cant..... take ... it... mmmmhhhfff... aaaaaaaaaahhh!

Leela said...

'Tis so satisfying to see you writhe in pain at German pseud. :D

Abhishek said...

@leela: dwat! you thought i was getting pained... i noe francais and je n'est pas desole pour ecrir en the langue!

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