Sunday, August 12, 2007

On contemplation and its darker side...

Sleeping late into the afternoon sucks. Woke up with a nagging mild headache that is triggered by crashing for more hours than the body requires.

Turns out, thoughts are stressful. Contemplation on just about anything consumes enormous energy and consequently forces unnecessary stress on an already overworked but under-stimulated mind.

Most of the evening was chased away at gurunath - the campus get-together, satiating the long lost hunger for good food. It was amazing as to how I could be so immersed in a campus paper when my friends were chatting incessantly on arbit topics.

Walking down to my hostel, I realized I was still thinking, thinking of that which I can't recollect now. The paper fluttered noiselessly in my hand as I carried it all the way to the room, although I couldn't figure out any use to it.

Come the quadi and I find myself settling down near the pavillion watching my hostelites play footer. I kept with the game for sometime and then lost track. Into the much hated contemplative mood of things-that-are and things that I want them to be. Good for me that I didn't delve into the line of thinking of things-that-were. I was brought back from my short reverie (or was it 30 min?) abruptly as the football tore through air and missed my left eye by a couple of inches. The due concerns were raised but of course, no one really expects someone immersed in a chain of thoughts when being a couple of meters away from one of the goal-keepers.

I got up and realized the players have changed considerably and I, whose aim was to play, found myself doing something way different from what I should be doing. Anyway, I just had food, so considered against playing.

Now, what's this rant about? Thoughts.

Some people refuse to think before acting and some think way too much before acting and there are some who just think relentlessly and don't act.

The choice is mine.


Leela said...

..and some others who contemplate and write blogs about it.

Shady said...


yeah sure they do... and give us a way to kill time online ;)

Leela said...

The power of blogging!

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