Monday, July 14, 2008

Star-crossed Lovers

"If you wish to converse with me, define your terms" - Voltaire

A discussion is trivial if the so called "arguments" involved are no arguments at all. Instead, it should be termed "Rant race". And it's even more fun when someone is talking to himself.

A: Are you clear on what I meant?

B: Yeah! But you don't understand me-

A: Yes, I understood you.

B: No! But you aren't doing it-.

A: I'm not going to do that and I understood what you said.

B: Then, you didn't get what I'm saying-

A: :|
Things like this happen because of the mental filter in our brain. We don't always hear what the other person says. Actually, that other person has an equally good chance of not meaning a word he says.

When did "Understanding" become equivalent to "Agreement" ?
and "Contrary opinion" become an "Insult" ?
"Selfish" = "Cruel" ?

Basically, if people talk to each other in two different languages, say English and French; we easily get the point that it isn't a conversation. There is no 'interchange of information'. "Language Barrier" is the figurative phrase used to indicate this type of difficulty.

Now, if two people converse in English and still have difficulties such as the above, can we attribute it to "Mental Barrier" ?

Define your terms - says Voltaire.

This might be a nice theoretical solution though not very feasible. We can't cross-check with a dictionary before we speak every word. We can, however, do this when we value debate per se and when we get the hint that the "argument" is tending towards rant race.

It's usually taken that a clearer understanding is reached with attentive listening. This might not be so true, when the speaker itself says things that they don't mean. One of the worst things that can happen is two people meaning the same thing in their head and still fighting about it.

Some of the minds who have thought about this problem suggest the "Common sense" theory. It is believed that for the most part a specific group of people think in a specific way.

Things are not all good with the "common sense" theory. As my cousin says, 'But what is logic? I doubt many people will agree on that'

If many people don't agree on a neutral word like "logic", common sense theory is doomed.

(Oh and by the way, I think the word 'logic' is neutral - just so that you 'understand' :p)

There are two things that you can do to minimize the problem of a rant race -

1. Stop talking altogether. (This works well when applied in the middle of a rant race too)
2. Define your terms and argue with only those people who define their terms.

Neither of the alternatives is extremely pragmatic, perhaps "Language" and "Communication" are star-crossed lovers.

123rd page

So, this blog is returning from a long hiatus and well, let's just clear off some arrears first.

I'm not very certain as to why this "Tagged" phenomenon erupted all of a sudden. Possibly, people have just nothing left to write/post.

This tag is from Smilee.

The rules: Pick up the nearest book. Go to page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the next three sentences. Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.

The competitive advantage is maximized by the surprise factor. The English longbow was a shock-and-awe weapon in the fifteenth century, comparable to the Colt revolvers and Winchester repeating rifles of the Wild West. Not all new weapons are as fearsome as these, but the fear of unknown is itself a powerful weapon.
This quote is from, "How Life Imitates Chess" by Garry Kasparov.

Tag five people huh? Since most people I know who would continue the tag are already tagged. I tag Nobody, Nobody, Nobody, Nobody and Nobody. :p
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